Pre-Bonsai Trees
Lavender Star Flower Bonsai Starter
Do you want to grow your own bonsai trees without having to start from scratch (e.g. seed or cutting)? We're releasing a limited number of Lavender Star Flower from our grow operation, JUST FOR YOU!
These little trees are prolific summer-bloomers and a favorite of the bees on our farm. The beautiful flower is short-lived, but there's always another one opening! They like full sun and plenty of water.
These are in 3.3" plastic containers and have multiple small branches already. The main trunk/shoot has been wired to create interesting movement. The tree is a typical example, trunk size is up to 1/8" (smaller than a pencil) The photos are representative, and do not show the actual tree.
We vouch for the health and vigor of our plants. These trees are treated like young bonsai, including root cutback, but they will easily grow and improve in your care!
Domestic shipping to USA only.