Best Bonsai for Outdoors
Texas Cedar Elm Starter
Texas Cedar elms (Ulmus crassifolia) are similar to both winged elm (Ulmus alata) and Chinese corkbark elm. They are native to eastern Texas where they get their name from growing in association with Eastern Red Cedar (which is actually a juniper species.)
The medium size twigs have ridged bark on opposite sides that gives them the winged appearance, but less prominently than on winged elm. As the bark matures it becomes rugged and rough with ridging, but it is more durable and rot-resistant than corkbark elms. Training and growth are very similar to Chinese elms with closel-spaced alternating leaves about 1" in size, reducing under bonsai care.
Full Sun. Ample water. Well suited to hot climates!
These starters are in their second growing season, in 3.5" nursery containers with wired trunks; most have multiple strong shoots. (Note wire may be removed prior to shipping.)
Photos are representative and are not the plant you will receive. But, your plants will be very similar.
We recommend that you fertilize regularly, and place your elm in a sunny warm location outdoors during the growing season. All bonsai should be protected from temperatures below 28F.